Why Use Deluxe Pool Care and Heating to solar heat your swimming pool in rockingham and Mandurah
High Performance system.
We have our own exclusive 18 tube solar collector, where every square metre has 116 linear metres of tubing. Also the surface of the tubing has been ridged to increase the surface area (by around 10%) compared to some of the other solar collector out there.
12 tube solar collector = 1 square metre = 77.4 Linear metres
10 tube solar collector = 1 square metre = 64.5 Linear metres
8 tube solar collector = 1 square metre = 51.6 Linear metres
On an average size pool of (8×40 32 sq m our system has 3712 linear metres of solar collector compared with an 8 tube system of only 1651 linear metres.
You don’t need an engineering degree to work out which is the most effective system.
Manifold System
The manifolds on your solar pool heating system are where the black collector (mat) plugs into the main 40mm pipework for the system.
This is where most systems have a problem lasting in the harsh Australian climate. At Deluxe Pool Care and Heating, we manufacture our own manifold system with one of the the best warranties in the industry.
Average industry standard 1-2 years warranty, on Pre-cast manifolds. Deluxe Pool Care and Heating….full 10 year warranty.
Installation of our system
The install of any solar heating system is only as good as the person, and the experience of that person or contractor, installing it.
We’ve been installing solar since 1994 and still enjoy doing it!
Most of our work is referral work
A high percentage of our work is referral work from previous happy customers.
We turn up
On of the biggest complaints in the trade and service industry today is that people never turn up, or not on time anyway. We will be on time…if we can’t be there, we will have the courtesy to let you know we are held up.
Some small things that make a big difference
Cross flow manifolds system, providing an even flow of water throughout the system. (If not used, air could be trapped which prevents all of the system being utilised).
We take away all rubbish (leaving your property exactly how you would expect it left…how we found it).
Box pipes in (optional) making it blend in with your wall.
Colour coordinate pipe work up wall and on roof.
Put garden and paving back as we found it.
Pressure test sytem.
Check roof for cracked or broken tiles.
Test optimum flow rate.
Tailor-made system -designing the system to the shape of your roof.
These are just some of the things we do that others may not.
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