Why does my pool keep going green?
If you have this problem-without seeing it or asking a few questions, it’s hard to say what’s wrong but let me give you a few pointers.
You have obviously tried to get rid of the algae in your pool yourself and it keeps coming back. There’s a lot of things it could be:
- phosphates in the water
- chlorinator not working
- problems with the pump
- it can even be your filter
Let’s start with the basics….
If your pool has gone green, you first need to determine the underlying problem. If you have just left your pump off for 2 weeks because you forgot to turn it back on, then great….easy fixed!
But if there’s another issue like your pump isn’t working as well as it used to, or your filter needs the sand changed or, your chlorinator cell isn’t working, you will need to sort that out first.
Cleaning the pool….Water test…. the first thing you need to do is a water test. The pH will probably be high so bring it down to about 7.2 for best results with chlorine. To do this, use a dry acid or hydrochloric acid – follow the directions on the packaging.
For an average size pool, about 45 000 litres, super chlorinate with 25lt liquid chlorine, walking around the pool and tipping it into the water. Then start brushing the walls and floor of the pool, make it into a nice stew. Add a good algaecide, 1L or read instructions on the bottle. Continue mixing the pool and leave the pump on. The water should look a bit milky now.
Add 1L liquid floculant to a bucket of water and pour into pool all over. Leave the pump on for about 6 hours and then turn it off.
Leave the pool now for 2-4 days until all the dead algae and muck settle on the bottom. Once this is done, you’re halfway there.
Make sure you have plenty of water in the pool because now you want to vacuum the pool to WASTE, not on FILTER…..to WASTE! This means you will lose some water. (At this stage, we usually use a service pump which is a lot easier to use…there won’t be the problem of filling up your soakwell). Now, very slowly, without stirring up the bottom of the pool, vacuum your pool to WASTE.
After vacuuming, you need to rebalance the pool water. Take a sample to your pool shop or, better still, if you live in the Rockingham or Mandurah Western Australia areas, call us to come and balance it for you. These are very basic steps….if you’re still having problems, call me on 0417 952 484. Hope this has been helpful ..Cheers Steve
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